Friday, January 18, 2013


We still love our Little Green Pouches, but I use them mostly for applesauce.  It cuts down on having to buy the pouches at Costco for 50c/each.  I pay less than $2 for a big jar of applesauce and I haven't counted how many pouches I get out of it, but I know that it's more than 4... so I assume I am saving money.  Sometimes I will also get baby-food fruit to put into it.  That's a little treat.

Speaking of applesauce, I made muffins last night.  Why applesauce?  Because the recipe called for applesauce instead of butter.  They are Skinny Strawberry Chocolate Chip Muffins.  They were really good. We all loved them--George included!  Get the recipe here.  I put them into myfitnesspal app and each muffin has 185 calories, 1 g fat, and 4 g protein.  That's remarkable for a muffin!  We love Pinterest!

Oh yeah, I have been tracking what I eat on myfitnesspal.  It's pretty gross to see what I eat on a daily basis, but it counts my calories, fat, etc. and will hopefully keep my diet on track.  I don't think it gives me enough calories for breastfeeding, though (although the first thing I do is put in breastfeeding and it puts me at -500 calories for the day).  So I make sure to eat plenty of healthy calories above my "allowance" and I have to really, really make sure I am drinking enough water!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


We love pouches around here.  I can get George to eat ANYTHING out of a pouch.  You know... the ones that cost $1.50-$2 each??  Well, that's how George has been getting his veggies lately.  It's lazy, but it works.

So about 2 weeks ago I had this brilliant idea.  It was how I was going to make my millions.  I thought about the logistics all day.  I was going to make a reusable baby food pouch!  Well, I got on Pinterest the next day and saw this:

So... there goes that idea.  I'm not going to be a millionaire after all.  But I did buy them.  And I do plan on using them, but I also planned on making all my own baby food and that lasted about 2 months.  So I may be doing a hybrid of homemade and using cheaper baby foods in these babies.  Either way, I won't be buying the expensive pouches for everyday, at-home use.

So I have been trying to find recipes to match some of the pouch recipes that George loves.  Here are the ideas that I have so far (all stolen from the websites of the popular brands), but I still have to find the recipes:

Spinach, Apples & Rutabaga - Carrots, Apples & Parsnips - Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Apples & Blueberry  - Squash, Carrots, Apples & Prunes - Broccoli, Pears & Peas - Pea, Spinach & Apples - Carrot, Squash & Apples - Pear & Pea - Pumpkin, Carrot & Apple - Apples, Blueberries & Spinach - Banana Squash - Pear Spinach - Carrots, Apples & Mangoes - Pears, Carrots & Peas - Pear & Squash - Apple & Sweet Potato

So stay tuned for recipes. I will be posting them as I find them (for my personal reference) and updating them as I make them and George gives his approval (or disapproval).

Friday, March 2, 2012

"Spaghetti" & Meatballs!

"Spaghetti" because it bugs my husband that I call any noodle with tomato sauce spaghetti.  The secret to getting George to eat spaghetti was to get noodles that he can actually pick up!  I chose the Barilla mini-bowtie pasta.  We tried giving him spaghetti noodles a few weeks ago and he ended up eating only the meatballs and garlic bread.  Changing to pasta shapes that are better-suited to his little hands made a big difference!  I also got the Barilla mini-penne and I'll probably make that next time!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


When I think of the work "weaning," I automatically think of puppies.  It just doesn't sound right to use for humans... but whatever.

I started this blog to document George's transition from breast milk to real food... and also so that I have a quick-reference to recipes that he liked.  I recently talked to a friend who asked me how I started to wean George.  She has a little girl who just turned 1 and is trying to cut out her mid-day feedings.  She also has a 3 year old, but she said that she can't remember quite how she weaned him.  So, I figured that it would be useful to my future self if I record that here.  (You're welcome, future self.)

At 12 months, I offered George whole milk for the first time.  I was hoping that he would love it right away and weaning would be quick and simple.  Well, that didn't happen.  In fact, when I started giving him real food and milk, his feeding schedule got crazy!  He was eating every hour!  (He nursed in between every meal.)  I quickly realized that the only time he ever had a meal schedule was in the hospital.  Since we brought him home, he enjoyed "on demand" feeding.  I stay home with him, so this was never a problem and it worked quite nicely for us for the first year.  Food was always available when he needed it... and he never had to wait for it to be prepared or heat up.  All we needed was a private place... and sometimes not even that.  So that lead to...

Step 1:  Develop a nursing schedule.

It was at 12 months that I finally stopped nursing him in the middle of the night (often many times in the middle of the night).  I set his schedule to 4 feedings a day:  early morning, mid-morning, mid-afternoon, night.

Step 2:  Increase his "real food" meals.  (Next time, set a real meal schedule at this point!)

This was difficult and I had to find things that he would actually eat.  I also had to make sure to keep offering him whole milk.  I certainly didn't want a dehydrated little boy!

Step 3:  Gradually take away breast feedings.

I dropped the mid-morning first because he seemed to be content without it.  I waited about 2 weeks after that before dropping his mid-afternoon feeding because by the mid-afternoon, he's tired and crazy and I gave in when he wanted to nurse (for my own sanity).  Eventually, I replaced his mid-afternoon feeding with a snack.  He really likes yogurt as a mid-afternoon snack.

Soon, I will probably drop his before-bed feeding because I feel like he's not that interested in it anymore.  Sometimes he eats a lot, but that's rare.  I just know that the nights that he hasn't nursed before bed, he wakes up at 3 and will not go back to sleep without nursing.  I think next week I will drop that feeding.

Who knows when I will drop the early morning feeding.  He goes right back to sleep after this feeding, so I kind of like it because it buys me an extra hour (sometimes two) of sleep!  Selfish?

Step 4:  Hope to lose weight, but expect to gain it.

That's right... I gained weight in the first month that I cut out daytime feedings.  I hoped so badly that when I stopped nursing, my appetite would go back to normal and I would lose the last of the baby weight.  Nope.  This didn't happen.  My appetite is slowly returning to normal, but now I have 5 extra lbs to lose!  I've really tried to watch what I've eaten over the past 2 weeks, but nothing changed.  Not one pound.  So then I was discouraged and thought, "If I'm going to weigh the same no matter what, I might as well eat cookies!"  That's not a good philosophy either.  So, if you know the secret to losing weight... please let me know.

Timing is Everything!

I haven't updated in a while.  We've been so busy that we pretty much eat the same things... nothing new to add to the rotation lately (sad, I know--but I've found some things that work and I'm sticking to them for now)!  BUT, George has been eating much better since I figured out a schedule that works for us!  He eats about every 3 hours... this seems to keep him hungry enough to eat but not so hungry that he's nutzo.

8/8:30:  Breakfast!

11/11:30:  Lunch!

2/2:30:  Snack!

5/5:30:  Dinner!

He is still nursing once in the early morning (Somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 am) and once before bed (It's never the last thing we do.  I don't want him to be dependent on nursing to go to sleep.  We usually put his jammies on, nurse, read books/play, brush teeth, sing songs and then go to bed).

Since I started this schedule, I don't feed him in between meal times and I haven't needed to.  He eats so much better now!  The biggest thing that I have to remember is that he cannot have "appetizers"!  If he is hungry and dinner isn't ready yet, he just has to wait.  If he starts to get frantic (because dinner is sometimes late... I'm not perfect), I feed him a jar of baby veggies.  I try to capitalize on his frantic hunger and I give him something that he won't usually eat... so he usually gets peas.  This really proves the theory "if he gets hungry enough, he'll eat" right... because this is the only time I can get him to touch a green vegetable!

Scheduling has really helped his eating and it has really, really helped to keep me from being (too) frustrated. I know when to expect him to get hungry and I can sneak away and prepare his meals while he has playing!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom Lasagna

Tonight we had a guest chef:  Marie Callender.  Tonight was a lazy dinner night.  Actually, I bought this for last night and it ended up being too late to cook it by the time I got home.  

I would have never tried this before I married Steve... but he forces me to try new foods.  So I saw this and it looked much better than the basic lasagna that I had in my cart.  This was delicious and George couldn't get enough of it!  If I was even 2 seconds between bites he would yell, "ma ma ma ma" which must be baby babble for "more!" because he definitely doesn't call me "mama" yet.

This will probably become a lazy dinner staple at our house.

Monday, January 23, 2012

What I'm Reading

I found this blog on Pinterest.  Don't you just love Pinterest?  This lady has a great list of snacks, lunches and dinners for toddlers.  Then, from a comment on that blog, I found this blog.  This lady has a great guide on what she includes in each meal to make sure her toddler gets a nutritionally balanced meal.  I try to remember, though, that Dr. Sears says that we should be aiming for a nutritionally balanced week... because toddlers are weird little beings and won't always eat everything that we offer to them in a given day.

(My weird little creature playing peek-a-boo with his bowl.)